Exibição Exhibition

Casa do Cinema de Coimbra
11 nov., 17:30

Origem Origin

País de Origem Origin Country Iran, Islamic Republic of

País de Rodagem Filming Country Iran, Islamic Republic of

Metragem e Género Footage and Genre

Duração Runtime 6’14”

Tipo de Projecto Project Type Animation

Género Genre

Língua Language

Sky Sun ,Tile Sun

Sinopse Original Original Sinopsis

Sinopse Portuguesa Portuguese Sinopsis

Esta história é sobre pessoas que vivem em uma parede de azulejos e estão envolvidas em uma guerra indesejada. Eles perderam seus céus devido à intensidade da explosão e bombardeio do sol, e a cidade e seus tempos tornaram-se escuros e negros. Eles entendem que, com empatia e cooperação, podem construir um novo sol para o céu de sua cidade e alcançar a sabedoria coletiva.

Sinopse Internacional Sinopsis

Due to the intensity of the explosion and bombardment of the sun, the tiled wall breaks and it gets dark everywhere. People help each other to build a new sun for the sky

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Mensagem do Realizador Director Statement

Biografia do Realizador Director Biography

Ziba Arzhang is a member of ASIFA Iran (Association of Animation Filmmakers). She has studied filmmaking at the Iranian Youth Cinema Association. She is an independent filmmaker, especially interested in making animated documentaries. Arzhang has participated in more than seventy international festivals and won eleven awards for Best Animation, Best Animation Director, and Best Animated Screenplay. As a writer, director and animator, he has made four independent short animations Sun Sky , Tile Sun Animation Peace Carpet Animation My Sardasht Animation Role animation As a key animator, she has worked with Iran TV for seven years and has been the animator and main designer of four 25-part animated series for children. She has illustrated more than sixty books for children

Data de conclusão year 2020-10-01Distribuição Distribution
Ziba Arzhang Distributor Iran, Islamic Republic of

Exibições Exhibitions

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Realização Director Ziba Arzhang

Primeira Obra First Time No

Projecto Académico Academic Project No

Produção Production Documentary & Experimental Film Center*

Produtores Producers Ziba Arzhang /Documentary and Experimental Cinema Development Center

Elenco Keycast

Outros Créditos Other Credits

Argumento Screenplay Ziba Arzhang

(* dados sujeitos a confirmação)
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The data presented are obtained from the Filmfreeway platform and have been made available by the applicants of each film. If you have found an error please report it to filmes@caminhos.info with the page URL and which sections to correct. Thank you for your cooperation.